

The COMED consortium consists of 6 partners from 6 European countries: Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, the United Kingdom, Hungary and Switzerland. Reflecting the multidisciplinary nature of health technology assessment and health system performance research, the essence of the COMED research methodology will be cross-disciplinary. Partner institutions bring to the collaboration their respective expertise and track records in health services research, including not only health economics, healthcare management and health policy but also public health, epidemiology and clinical research.

Partners were selected both for their research skills and to reflect the geographical diversity of the European Union. Similarly, the Work Packages and tasks were designed with the intent of maximizing partner involvement and exploiting their expertise to the fullest possible extent. The partner institutions also bring to the project their extensive networks in research and health policy making. The consortium has deep experience in these complementary fields both through academic research and within the framework of European and international projects.

CERGAS – University Bocconi, Italy

HCHE, University of Hamburg, Germany

University of Exeter Medical School, UK

University of Bern, Competence Center for
Public Management, Switzerland

Syreon Research Institute, Hungary

Erasmus School of Health Policy and
Management, Erasmus University