
| Pisa, Italy

| 03/10/2019 h.09.00

XXIV National Conference AIES "Health care policy and management after retrenchment: what future for population health?"

The Italian Health Economics Association, AIES Conference 2019, had a special focus on discussing the question HEALTH CARE POLICY AND MANAGEMENT AFTER RETRENCHMENT: WHAT FUTURE FOR POPULATION HEALTH?

The results produced in the first 18 months of the COMED project have been presented by the Bocconi University team in a dedicated session: "Pushing the Boundaries of Existing Methods for Cost and Outcome Analysis of Medical Technologies: First Results from H2020 EU Project COMED".

Aleksandra Torbica: First results from H2020 EU Project COMED 

Benedetta Pongiglione: Real world evidence for economics evaluations of medical devices

Oriana Ciani: Surrogate Outcomes in Health Technology Assessment: are they as established as they seem?

Francesco Petracca: Developing methods to assess patient reported outcome of mHealth

Carlo Federici: Coverage with evidence development schemes for medical devices