
Surrogate Outcome Decision Support Tool

As part of the COMED project, Work Package 2 sought to improve the decision-making process concerning new or existing technologies whose evidence base is supported by surrogate outcomes. Based on the research conducted, a review and map of current use of surrogate outcomes evidence in methods guidelines and HTA reports, informed by interviews with different stakeholders’ groups representatives and a pilot choice experiment, we have developed this decision support tool for policy-makers to aid on surrogate outcomes-based value determinations for healthcare technologies


Coverage with Evidence Development schemes on Medical devices in Europe
Contact information Carlo Federici (for WP7 research group)

Coverage with evidence development (CED) schemes are specific arrangements where coverage, reimbursement or use of a health technology is linked to a prospective data collection aiming to reduce the existing uncertainty over the technology’s clinical or cost-effectiveness.
The attached dataset contains detailed information on CED schemes for medical devices which were in operation in the years between 2015 and 2020 in Europe. This dataset is one of the outputs of a broader research work aiming at exploring the characteristics and challenges of CED schemes for devices in Europe project.
In the dataset, the details of 72 schemes from 8 countries are provided, including Belgium (n=8 schemes), England (n=5), France (n=26), Germany (n=10), Ireland (n=1), Spain (n=3), Switzerland (n=12) and the Netherlands (n=7). The completeness of the details provided varies across schemes and countries depending the information that was made available